Explore the gospels to discover how to apply Jesus’ methods and principles to marketing.
Dr. Neil Clark Warren is not the type of person you think of when you hear the word, entrepreneur. He has degrees from prestigious schools, he was a counselor, writer and academic for...
High Calling Blogger "New Breed of Advertisers" asked a hard question in a recent posting. Who is at fault for the rank materialism and consumer greed in our culture? Are we selfish and...
Craftsmanship isn't always the trump card for faithfulness at work.
Much of contemporary advertising falls into the category of what may be referred to as “harmless puffery.” This may apply both to the text of an advertisement as well as to the image...
One of the most common violations of truthtelling in the work world is bluffing or what some call, “mutual deceits.”[1] Bluffing may be legitimate when all the parties understand that the truth is...
If we understand that everything we have is God’s—including the very capacity to work, engage in business, create and produce, sell, and...
Given its pervasive and persuasive character, advertising is without doubt one of the most formative influences in popular culture, shaping values and behavior and telling people how and why to live.