Jesus’ followers were not all called away from their occupations.
Sensitive, empathic, introverted? You may be surprised where God calls you. If this describes you or someone you work with, this episode...
We talk with Jeff Henderson, author of What To Do Next: Taking Your Next Step When Life is Uncertain.
We know that more Americans are changing jobs than at any other point since records have been kept. But how are they...
We talk about common myths and half truths about calling with vocational psychologist Dr. Bryan Dik.
Have you ever felt God calling you to something unexpected and outside your comfort zone?
The uncertainty of work today may leave you anxious and asking, how can I find meaning in my work? And, can I...
Our panelists answer your questions about discerning your calling and following God's lead for your career.
Have you found your passion at work? That perfect job that excites you to jump out of...
Obeying God's call led to transformation for Edgerton Gear, a Wisconsin-based custom gear manufacturer.
How can you experience joy in your work when you're working a job that you don't like?
This page has links to free resources for seminary courses on vocation and calling and on the theology of work.
You've worked hard, you've landed the job that you thought you wanted but for whatever reason you're unhappy. How do you know...
How you define success can guide how you live every day and the decisions you make. So...
Figure out your calling at work by answering these 5 questions (6 minute read)
God does not give most people a direct, individual, unmistakable call to a particular job or profession. But God does give guidance...
Exodus 3:7-15 Then the Lord said to Moses, “I have observed the misery of my people who are in Egypt; I have...
Theme: There’s more freedom than we imagine in doing God’s will for our work. Key Truths/Outline 1...
Scripture Genesis 1:27-28 27 So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he...
Exodus 3:1-12 Moses was keeping the flock of his father-in-law Jethro, the priest of Midian; he led his flock beyond the wilderness...
Isaiah 6:1-8 In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lofty; and the...
Have you lived a long and productive life doing the thing you planned to do from the very beginning? If so, wonderful...
Have you adjusted to 2017 yet? Perhaps you’re still writing 2016 on your checks, or maybe you’ve already broken a New Year’s...
It’s almost Halloween, a time when some people buy costumes, some people stock up on candy, and some people. . . take...
Sometimes it seems that we’re on the road to success. We’ve got the degree and the training. Our resumes look great. We...
You left. You got fired. You got married. You got divorced. You got outsourced. Your company moved you from South Dakota to...
Being in over our heads sends us into learning mode whether we like it or not.
Now that I am oriented toward God's redeemed future, the course of my life can be set toward that.
"We’re wired for change, aren’t we?" asks Sam Van Eman in his farewell as editor at The High Calling. "A cleaning-out there, a purging here. Eyes on the horizon, we press on."
Jesus teaches us to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread” because life is a fundamentally physical experience. Then Jesus teaches...
I absolutely agree that work is an idol in our culture, but ignoring it is not the solution. Neither is a one-dimension...
My worldview journey to understanding that God will redeem the creation.
Hard work done for Glory is worship.
"I think God may be calling me to something different," I said warily to my senior pastor. ...
I know two nurses. One finds great joy serving in a hospice and offering tender care to the dying. The other works...
As a pastor, I have often been asked, “How can I know God’s will for my life?” This question was presented to...
No one's career is a straight path; it's a more squiggly, circular, spirally type of path.
If you pay attention to business failures, you may start to perceive what some call "dead ends onto right paths."
What do you do if you hate the job God called you to? Sermon by Will Messenger.
"As I worked and learned Spanish from my coworkers I discovered two passions God had given me: working with my hands and...
Whether in a job you love, or a job you're filling until something better comes along, feeling the love at work begins with being true to you.
Every now and then, people ask me how a pastor in Southern California ended up serving in a family foundation in Texas. Usually, I explain how much I admired the work of the...
As you experience transitions in life, whether they are welcomed or not, it is reassuring to know that God does not change.
You are gifted for specific callings that God has placed upon your life. You are not going to be good at everything...
I once made a list of the best things that ever happened in my career, and I was responsible for almost none...
My question stumped Susan, a diligent job seeker, over coffee that morning: “What do you care about that’s larger than you?”
In the thirtieth year, on the fifth day of the fourth month, I was with the exiles at the Chebar River when...
"And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the new wine would burst the wineskins, spilling the wine and ruining...
It is a wise thing to both enjoy a good season and not expect it to last forever.
In this short film by our friends at Deidox, “Lindsay,” a young teacher discovers how her past experiences have prepared her for...
When I fill people in on my plan, they look at me like I'm crazy. In the midst of our move to...
Glenda Hatchett is best known as the Emmy nominated host of Judge Hatchett, a television court show that aired from 2000-2008 and...
Henri Nouwen was a brilliant Yale professor who left teaching to live and work with handicapped adults. His pace slowed as he learned their simpler ways. He wrote of a growing desire to “simply...
Each new year makes me think about renewal. Some people will make resolutions to change their appearance or behavior. Some just take stock of what has happened in the past year. Some...
Explore what the Bible says about God's calling and your work.
Calling begins with the call to follow Christ. All other callings, including the call to work and particular types of work, flow from this primary calling. The Bible has much to say about...
Although we are focusing on God’s call to work, work is only one element of life. God calls us to belong to Christ in every element of our lives. Colossians 3:17 Whatever you...
With the understanding that the ultimate image of calling in the Bible is the calling to follow Jesus, we are ready to...
Here are three major considerations for discerning God’s vocational guidance.
The first consideration is the needs of the world. The single strongest indicator of what God wants you to do is probably your awareness of what needs to get done to make the...
The second consideration is your skills and gifts. The Bible says that God gives people gifts for accomplishing the work he wants them to do, and it names some of the gifts and...
Finally, the Bible says that your truest or deepest desires are also important to God. Psalm 37:4 Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm...
These three considerations — the needs of the world, your skills and gifts, and your truest desires — are guides, but they are not absolutes. For one thing, in a fallen world, you...
If God leads or guides people to their work, could it ever be legitimate to change jobs? Wouldn’t that be rejecting God’s guidance to the work you already have? Martin Luther, the 16th...
How you work is at least as important to God as what job or profession you have. In every job, you have...
Although Moses was a Hebrew, he was raised in Egypt’s royal family as the grandson of Pharaoh. His revulsion to injustice erupted...
Human life is a series of choices, and many of these involve vocation.
Acts 13:1-3 introduces us to a set of practices in the church at Antioch. This community is remarkable both for its ethnic...
Acts 19:13-16 presents an odd story that leads to the repentance of “a number who had practiced magic” (Acts 19:19). They collected...
You don't need the perfect job to serve God or experience the life he intends for you.
Although written under greatly different circumstances than James,[1] 1 John also challenges the notion that faith can live without “works,” that is, acts of obedience toward God. In chapter 2, John states that...
I think most of us are looking for a calling, not a job. Most of us . . . have jobs that...
God made all of us for a purpose. That’s why there is a yearning in our hearts to live significantly.
In order to grow and maintain a clear sense of SoulPurpose for yourself, we believe you need five particular components in your...
A personal meditation If the level of meaning and significance in life was a scale of 1-10, with Warren Schmidt being 1 (almost no sense of significance) and Esther and Winston Churchill 1...
Discovering your SoulPurpose is an expedition into unchartered territory. Through the following pages you will explore a wide range of issues. But always the focus will be on how you will discover and...
The place God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger...
“God has a wonderful plan for your life,” declares a well-known tract. The lesson is, it seems, that we need to find...
So what is God’s purpose for us? Fundamental to this is the concept of God’s will. Bruce Waltke suggests that God’s will is for you “to be a mature man or woman of...
Decision-making is a relationship issue First and foremost, decision-making for the Christian is a relationship issue. Often the reason we have so many problems discerning God’s leading is that we just aren’t close...
Personal reflection Think back to the last major decision you made in your life. How did you come to your decision? What...
Every time a person does something that they experience as enjoyable or satisfying and done well, they reveal a certain pattern of...
Doing the above autobiographical exercise and making your own analysis will be easier for some than others. Many of us, for a...
If you have anything really valuable to contribute to the world it will come through the expression of your own personality, that...
While there are a number of appropriate personality questionnaires or inventories in this area, one widely used among career and human resource...
A structure for using this chapter personally If you have access to some personality information about yourself like the MBTI, think about...
To do easily what is difficult for others is the mark of talent. (Henri Frederic Amiel) Wayne’s misery There are always things...
God’s various gifts are handed out everywhere; but they all originate in God’s Spirit…Each person is given something to do that shows...
When you spend time examining your work/career, it is possible that so many issues arise for you...
Phew! That’s been a whole lot to digest over these past few chapters. We hope the numerous exercises and questions have begun...
Erik Erikson wrote that the major crisis of adolescence is the forging of an identity. This identity can be expressed as the...
Adolescence is not the only time in our lives when identity development and the search for SoulPurpose come to the fore. It also occurs at other stages, especially midlife. The period of midlife...
In the third age, people have the opportunity to retire – and also, often, to stay in paid employment, perhaps part-time. Retirement can be couched in either very negative or overly optimistic terms...
It’s on the journey, in the desert, through the catastrophe and grief, that we become open to God reorienting us.