We explore what the Bible has to say about the purpose of your work with guest Tom Lutz.
Obeying God's call led to transformation for Edgerton Gear, a Wisconsin-based custom gear manufacturer.
ServiceMaster is one of the great corporate stories of the 20th Century. The company grew from a...
In the beginning, God got his hands dirty in the muck of creation. Sadly, sometime between Genesis and now Christians labeled hands-on...
No one wants to be treated unfairly. No one wants to be overlooked. We all want to find dignity in the work...
When I was about six, I wanted to be a garbage man. I waited for their truck on garbage day, jumping up and down and waving. I thought it would be wonderful to...
You have an inner need to work because you are made in the image of God.
If dignity is fundamental, it makes sense that readers and commentators care whether Amazon and other organizations treat workers with dignity.
Bob was a route salesman for Dr Pepper. He shared a story about my dad’s early days as head of a growing grocery chain. Bob set up special displays in those stores.
Phil Schiavoni encourages us to give thanks for our jobs and also for the work itself, to celebrate our income and also the hard work that leads to the outcome.
Many of us tend to forget that Jesus spent a great deal of time in a carpenter shop.
God created work as an integral part of the human experience. He sees the work we do as inherently valuable.
Last week, I visited with three powerfully Christian women. None of them knew each other, yet they were united to one another by an incredible faith that embraced a courage and perseverance.
Human dignity is a precious commodity. Without it, people believe they have no personal significance—nothing that says they are to be taken seriously. Even in the extreme vulnerability of a serious...
Why did it shock me to learn that someone actually has to bend tailpipes?
Fifty years ago in Montgomery, Alabama, an unassuming black woman decided that her dignity was nonnegotiable. Instead of relinquishing her seat to a white man and moving to the back of the bus, she...
When it comes to answering the question, ‘Does our work matter to God?’ most churches say yes. But they give different answers...
Some national leaders attain provision or wealth through unjust means such as exploitation, force, corruption, theft and others. Brutal dictators and regimes...
By Rev’d Dr. Kenneth J. Barnes, Dean of the Marketplace Institute, Ridley College, Melbourne, Australia In his collected papers entitled, Reflections on...