Faith Driven Entrepreneur exists to support entrepreneurs in their God-given calls to create. As part of this mission, the team has put...
What would it mean to be an entrepreneur who is driven by faith? We talk with guest Henry Kaestner, a sucessful serial...
By J.D. Greear. J.D. Greear is the pastor of The Summit Church in Raleigh-Durham North Carolina. The day after my dad retired...
By Henry Kaestner. Henry Kaestner is Managing Principal of Sovereign's Capital and the co-founder of Faith Driven Entrepreneur, a movement dedicated to...
Have you found your passion at work? That perfect job that excites you to jump out of...
How can you navigate the tension between people and profit, and what does the Bible have to say about it?
Today, we have not one special guest but two for you to hear from. We are talking...
Lay people have shaped church history by launching businesses that impacted economies and transformed culture.
Entrepreneur took failures in stride because he never expected success to come quickly.
Don't quit. If you see a successful entrepreneur, they've walked through failure at some point.
When she steps into her business each day, she know's that God is real.
For this entrepreneur, God's grace pushes her to do good works through business.
Business starter counters worry with Matthew 6:26-34
Tech CEO Eric Stumberg is learning to give up control over his work.
Entrepreneur John Marsh explains the shame he felt in church for knowing how to make money.
John Solheim, CEO of Phoenix-based Ping Golf, recalls when the United States Golf Association outlawed products he and his father had worked...
Tegu builds magnetized wooden blocks that kids around the world enjoy, but they are also committed to sustainably serving the Honduran community.
Dick Staub is not afraid of the hard questions. In his recent book The Culturally Savvy Christian, he's also not afraid to...
Dick Staub is not afraid of the hard questions. In his recent book The Culturally Savvy Christian , he's also not afraid...
Some situations may be redeemable. Others may be beyond redemption. In Genesis 6:6-8 , we hear God's lament about the state of...
God called Abraham into a covenant of faithful service, as is told at the beginning of Genesis...
After one of the prophets in Elisha’s circle died, his family fell into debt. The fate of...
One ongoing project that Paul pursued throughout his missionary journeys was that of collecting money for congregations...