The COVID-19 pandemic presented many organizations with levels of uncertainty that they had never seen before. How do you lead with faith...
Guest Austin Channing Brown talks about faith, work and the invisible burden of being a black woman...
Remembering the life, work, and ministry of Howard E. Butt, Jr., who died Saturday, September 11, 2016.
It’s no secret: lots of people are searching for jobs right now. Some folks have lost their jobs. Others have jobs, but...
What can the formerly faithful hope for? How will God respond to them?
Does the temptation to do too many things at once prevent us from being present in our own lives? Howard Butt, Jr., shares his thoughts.
Finding hope in the renewal of all things.
Rather than let my employment challenges drag me down, I’ve decided to take back the workplace for God’s glory, and I’m doing...
There are behaviors common to non-Christian folk that we should avoid. And, if we once practiced those...
True life is to be found, not in riches, not in resentment, but in Jesus Christ, and in living each day for...
Can a Christian simply dedicate his or her life to loving God and loving neighbors, or does God demand us to be extraordinary?
I never thought finding a job would be so challenging.
I have had many friends who struggled with faith because they saw their parents put on a show of Christianity but fail...
Most Christians know that they should be sharing their faith with others, that this is part of what it means to be...
O LORD, I cry out to you. I will keep on pleading day by day. Psalm 88:13 Chances are you won’t hear...
In all of my hustling to help everyone else look good and find value, I thought of myself more as a servant...
Every now and then while I'm channel surfing on TV, I pause to listen to a preacher. And it's not uncommon to...
The beginning of Jeremiah 39 tells the sad tale of the fall of Jerusalem.
God doesn't seem too concerned about what kind of job you have. Some have powerful jobs and others do not. What matters...
One Sunday morning while attending a church in the suburbs of Boston, I had a surprisingly authentic moment with a complete stranger.
Craftsmanship isn't always the trump card for faithfulness at work.
True nobility knows no rank in the high calling of our daily work.
God called Abraham into a covenant of faithful service, as is told at the beginning of Genesis...
Chapter 30 of Numbers gives an elaborate system for determining the validity of promises, oaths and vows. The basic position, however, is simple: do what you say you will do. When a man...
Naomi and Ruth face agonizing hardship, but in God, hardship is not hopelessness. Although we encounter no obvious miraculous interventions in the...
Women's work takes many forms. Among the women in the Old Testament, some served as midwives, some as either prostitutes or innkeepers, some as prophets, and one as the leader of the nation...
Job is able to endure overwhelming loss without compromising his “integrity” or blamelessness[1](Job 2:3). But Satan does not give up. Perhaps Job...
The final section of Job contains a storybook ending in which many of Job’s fortunes are restored. Many, but not all. He...
For an explanation of the themes in and structure of the Book of Daniel, see the section...
The hope we have lies not in making the best of the present situation, but in the...
Good work is possible even in the midst of difficult circumstances.
As we have seen in Romans 1–3, the cross of Christ brings salvation to all people—Jews and Gentiles alike. In Christ, God...
God is for us, says Paul, having given his own Son for “all of us” (Rom. 8:31–32). Nothing is able to come...
James concludes his letter with a variety of exhortations on patience, truthfulness, prayer, confession, and healing. As always, these appeal either to...
God’s plan to advance his kingdom, however, takes a surprising turn: before deliverance comes disaster. Yet it is perhaps not so surprising...