Honest Jim Smith
Audio / Produced by The High CallingTranscript
In a small town in the Midwest, a farm implements dealer emblazoned his building and his truck with the slogan HONEST JIM SMITH. But another man in town commented, “If Jim Smith is so honest, why does he need to say so?”
Time has taught me that a capable, honest businessperson naturally inspires that powerful process we call "word of mouth." Advertisers can spin slogans. But, other people’s comments about our behavior travel further and faster—and mean more.
This is Howard Butt, Jr., of Laity Lodge. Remember—it’s the way you live your life that produces the biggest impression on people. What you do, not what you say, makes the biggest difference. It’s the high calling of our daily work.
Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.