
Finding God in Government: November 29 Newsletter

Newsletter / Produced by The High Calling
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Our media rages with debates about how to do politics and government better. Often these stories do more to generate heat than to shed light on the issue. Where’s God in government? This week we have gathered thoughts from faithful Christians living out their lives in the public sector in different ways. May their examples inspire you to see where you can shed your own light.

Seeking Understanding on Our Political Responsibilities

From The High Calling

My organization helps educate ordinary faithful citizens, policymakers, and legislators about their political responsibilities in light of the Christian faith. I am the first to admit that Christians have not always lived up to those political responsibilities very well. Read more

Faith in the Face of Limitations: An Interview With Zina Pierre

From The High Calling

Who would have thought a little black girl with blue-collar parents would work in the White House? Or be the first African-American to win the Democratic primary for mayor in the 300-year history of Annapolis? Or be the first woman preacher in my childhood church? Read more

Using Governmental Authority Justly

From the Theology of Work Project

The more authority you have, the greater the temptation to act as if you are above the law.

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