
Preventing Burnout: August 23 Newsletter

Newsletter / Produced by The High Calling
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Is there hope for the burned out? How can you recharge in your work when even the tiniest task feels like climbing Mount Everest? With Jesus, there is hope that we are part of a bigger story, beyond burnout. When we are too tired to listen, we need to surround ourselves with the Voice that speaks truth. (Check out our small-group discussion guide on work-life balance, too.)

The Lies We Tell Ourselves

From The High Calling

The busier we are—at work or at home—the more desperately we need the strength of an infinite God who knows us better than we know ourselves.

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Changing Seasons

From The High Calling

The end of our story is yet to come, and it will be magnificent. Yes, even when you forgot to turn in a permission slip for your kid's field trip.

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Why People Can’t Rest

From the Theology of Work Project

Is working now instead of resting actually the way to receive the good that God has in store for me?

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