
“How Important Is Integrating Faith And Work?” - Jenny White

Video / Produced by The High Calling

Transcript: In my work with Arthouse America, as I mentioned, we are working so hard to help people's vocations that are, specifically not within the church, to be validated and to say, "What you're doing and the way you use your platform whether you're a musician or whether you're a painter or photographer is important." Whether or not it has a crucifix on there or whether or not it has a bible verse, your art has value, because it is beautiful, and because you have created it, and because it reflects your Creator.

To me the win is that every church would have someone whose sole focus is vocation. My church in DC, at Grace DC in Washington, one of the pastors, they were in charge of vocation, putting on vocational seminars, helping people. Because we can't keep living these segregated lives. I can't and I at times am. It's just like here's my work, here's my faith, and I'd love to figure out how to get them more integrated.

Want to hear more? You can find our conversation with Jenny and others over at the High Calling Youtube Channel.